You can heal your Depression

We can heal our depression

We are in a second pandemic as an after-effect of the first one – Depression.

There is no substitute for therapy and a steady inner dialogue with yourself.

Here are some other ways that can help you get out of the hopelessness, jump out of your funk and get on with life. Most of these have worked for me.

To start with…. keep your posture erect… and your head held high. Depression is not something to be ashamed of.

Shame is neither created nor destroyed. It’s passed on from one to another.

Shame on those who perpetuated this shame…

1. Milk and Bananas

I have a special connection to milk and bananas that correlates to my grandmother. But holistically speaking, bananas have the right amount of sugar and potassium to help regulate mood. Milk has calcium that helps strengthen bones, keep the spine erect and regulate energy flow throughout the body.

2. Fragrances

Fragrances reach sensory areas quickly and in magical ways. They bring out happy memories and quickly uplift the spirit.

3. Flowers

Flowers show beauty in simple and tender ways. A smile from your little bud in the morning can uplift your spirit instantly.

4. Animals

I sometimes go into a trance just watching my pup be. She has an aura about herself that spreads divine energy around her. Animals truly live for themselves and spread joy in its purest form just by being true to their nature.

5. Yoga

Yoga is often times misunderstood and treated like ‘exercise’.

Yoga is a way to connect your mind to your body and make her talk. It’s surrendering to mother earth and releasing your energies in her. Letting her hold you and flow through you. Yoga does not just uplift the spirit, it awakens the soul.

6. Meditation

This one is tricky especially when depressed. To sit with your own rotten thoughts and make an attempt to quiet them, is the last thing you want to do.

Affirmations and deep breathing help in such cases. They give you a jumpstart that is needed to jolt the mind out of the loops that it’s running in.

“My mind is in my body. My heart is in my reality.”

This affirmation quickly helps connect with the Now.

Saying Om loudly and making it vibrate internally (mmmmmmmmm) will raise your vibrations and help get you moving.

7. Foods

Try foods that you loved as a child. Specific things that made you happy, mom/grandmom made a certain way, had a specific smell, texture, etc. Food is the quickest way to awaken your inner child and experience joy.

8. Books

When you are depressed, the last thing you want to do is read something that will invoke thoughts….make you do things that maybe you are not quite ready for.

Here are some books that might feed the soul.

⁃ Mastery of Life by Ralph Waldo Emerson – This book has five essays that capture the profoundness of life. While his essay on Compensation is the most talked about to resolve money matters, I found his essay on Self-Reliance and Fate especially insightful.

⁃ Women who run with the wolves by Clarissa Pinkola Estes – If life or your existence does not make sense to you, or maybe you feel like an outsider in your own community do read this one.

⁃ Joyous body by Clarissa Pinkola Estes – This book helps understand the deep-rooted being called Body and how important her role is not just for us but also as a conscious being with its own intelligence that serves the entire planet. It refers to the body as your consort, your companion in the magical experience of Life.

⁃ The Kama Sutra of Vatsyayana by Sir Richard Francis Burton – This book talks about the science of sexuality through various feminine and masculine archetypes. It correlates sexuality to talents, hobbies, vocation, etc and helps understand the role of sex in your holistic being. A lot of emotional pain perpetuates into our Sacral Chakra which is the hub of our individuality (femininity/masculinity). We sometimes hold energy blocks in our Sacral Chakra that not just block us away from our inner experience but also block us from experiencing the World in its entirety.

9. Last and not the least, having suicidal thoughts while depressed is very very common. Do not panic. Confide your thoughts in your trusted person beforehand and have their number on speed dial. If you don’t have a trusted person or a therapist, please have one.

Let’s not die from depression. It can be cured.

Let’s treat depression with the love it deserves. In my experience, depression is a blessing from Divine Timing…. a call for Transformation.




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